Calcification: The Undertaker (Part 3)

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What are Nanobacteria?

“I have spent twenty years investigating why we age, why our body breaks down prematurely, and why we suffer. What I found during the course of my twenty years of research was the culprit behind aging: the common denominator that causes aging and premature death, and destroys our potential to experience vibrant, incredible health. What I discovered is research indicating that shell-forming, virus-sized, coral-like organisms (similar to coral, barnacles and clams) are causative agents in calcification. These organisms have been given one name thus far (more will come) and are known in medical journal science as Nanobacteria. Calcium-forming organisms are part of Mother Nature’s recycling system; they are found in the Earth (in layered calcium-rich strata) and in many of the waters of the Earth as a natural effect of contact with calcium-rich strata. In order to avoid aging, we have to avoid becoming silted up with calcium-forming organisms and/or their shells. We also have to avoid consuming dead calcium supplements that are either mineral residues from the Earth, coral residues, or oyster shell residues, all of which make the calcification problem even worse.” by David Wolfe, world famous author and health lecturer.

Nanobacteria were discovered in the 1980’s by Finnish scientist E. Olavi Kajander and Turkish researcher Neva Ciftcioglu at the University of Kupio in Finland. Nanobacteria are microscopic living organisms that are roughly the same size of most viruses (approximately 1/100th the size of normal bacteria). These shell-forming organisms appear to be the basic unit of recycling organisms and as such, they silt up (or calcify) the great families of reptiles, birds, amphibians and mammals in order to make room for the next generation of creatures to inhabit the planet.

Much scientific evidence indicates that shell-forming nano-organisms are found in vaccines, urine, and even in medical and dental tools. These discoveries alert us to potential dangers we should be aware of. Vaccines are of questionable quality and are coming more into disfavour among many doctors. The possible presence of bad calcium in vaccines creates caution and awareness of our safety.

Nanobacteria form shells made of calcium phosphate. The secreted shell first appears as a biofilm around the nanobacteria and then harden around the organism, forming a defensive “outer armour” that helps shield it from the body’s immune system. During the formation of the biofilm (before the shell hardens), it appears that toxins such as mercury, pesticides and plastics are trapped and stored there. When the shells harden, these compounds are incapsulated into the “bad calcium” they create, helping to further disarm our immune system against their removal.

Nanobacteria can either reproduce themselves forming aggregate, “budding-like” clusters (similar to coral), or they can remain in a state of “relative calcified dormancy” and hide out inside our bodies, clogging up our system for years (such as what we find in scar tissue).

These hardened shells shield the nanobacteria in the same way a clam shell shields a clam. Because the immune system has trouble breaking down these hardened shells to get at the “bad guys” inside, this protective layer forms an excellent living space, not only for the calcium-forming organisms, but also for viruses, bacteria and fungi.

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Wellness Unleashed

Suzanne Lightheart
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